🆕 BACK TO SCHOOL Reminders

Greetings Students and Parents,

In preparation for Schedule Pick-Up/Walk Your Schedule this coming Thursday, August 8th you will need to have the following things completed in order for students to receive their schedule:

  • 8th Grade Schedule Pick-up & Walk Your Schedule – 5:30 – 6:15
  • Title I Meeting for Students & Parents – 6:00 – 6:30 (Library)
  • 7th Grade Schedule Pick-up & Walk Your Schedule – 6:30 – 7:30

Fast Passes will be issued to students who have completed the following items by August 6th and they can immediately pick-up their schedule and begin finding their classrooms. All of these items can be completed online for students returning to MISD. You may also bring the following items in or complete the items below on-site prior to receiving a Fast Pass and schedule:

  • New or Returning Student Enrollment/Registration- (Complete online in Skyward by August 6th in order to receive a Fast Pass). Labs will be available to complete the registration process during Schedule-Pick Up.  Please see Registration and Enrollment Information linked here.
  • Immunizations (7th grade students) – (Shot records can be emailed to Nurse Megan at MeganBatts@misdmail.org by August 6th in order to receive a Fast Pass.) A physical copy of your student’s shot records may be brought to campus during schedule pick-up. We will be unable to make a copy, so please bring a copy for the campus to keep on file. Please see Immunization Requirements linked here along with all our Back-to-School Info. An immunization clinic will be available tomorrow (August 3rd) during MISD’s Back-to-School Bash.
  • Proof of Residence – (Email to Worley_POR@misdmail.org by August 6th to receive a Fast Pass.) If completing this process in person, a copy of the document will be needed for campus files. We are unable to view or accept these on a device. Please come with a copy made for the campus as we are unable to make copies.  Please see POR requirements linked here.
  • Fines – (Pay online by credit or debit card in Skyward by August 6th to receive a Fast Pass.) Cash(exact amount) or checks can be provided in-person during Schedule Pick-Up. Check Fee Management in Skyward Family Access to pay any fees or fines in your student’s account.

Student IDs

IDs will be issued during the school day the week of August 19th -23rd. Students should receive an ID by the end of that week.